Residual Solvents
Solvents are commonly used in the production of cannabis concentrates including those used for the extraction, cleaning of equipment, mechanical greases and lubricants. Any solvent that could possibly come in contact wth cannbis concentrates during the extraction procedure should be assessed and tested for. Common solvents that are likely to contaminate the final product are, but not limited to, ethanol, 2-propanol, heptane, butane, and propane. Solvent contamination beyond the established permissible exposure could pose a signficant health risk.
Our Residual Solvent Testing Service
The permitted solvents commonly used in cannabis extration are those listed in the USP <467>, Class 3 with a limit of 5000 ppm for each solvent. Health Canada has extended this panel to include the hydrocarbons n-butane, iso-butane, and propane as these are commonly used in certain types of extraction systems. We use Headspace sampling coupled to a gas chromatography with flame ionization detector to test for all the relevant solvents. With BioScisionLabs, you can be confident your products meet the required industry guidelines.
Minimum Sample Quantity: 1g
Average Turn Around Time: 2 business days from receipt
Price: $75.00 CAD